Pick an object in your home, and describe its function as if it's absolutely magical and unbelievable.
Something as basic as a hair brush could be of magical origin, electrical objects a scientific wonder, everyday items could only have been designed by fairies!
Your Binoculars
Dad, how did I never see the birds like this before?!! I’ve used your binoculars HUNDREDS of times and never seen birds that have such big personalities!! They’re kind of human but still very birdy. Hang on… Lemme sketch what I just saw.
Wow!!! Now that I see it drawn out, it kind of reminds me of last summer. Do you remember when Charlie and I had nothing to do so we kept bugging you to come out and play follow the leader?? You always make that game so fun. The leader bird is kinda like you, and the followers are Charlie and me, of course. Wait!!! Is this the magic you put out here for me to find?! Did I already find all the magic before we even left? Surely, not. If I know you, there’ll be plenty more magic to find. ❤️
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