Submitted by Sofía .

The door creaked open, revealing a long-forgotten room...

Just A Peek

Things had been tense in the house the last few months after Janet had caught Jack cheating on her. They had been working through their issues but the air was thick between them and couldn’t seem to see no way out of divorce. The morning that it happened they had just gotten done with a huge fight.

“What the hell do you mean you can never forgive me, do you remember what you did two years ago to me?”, “Oh sure bring that up. It is nothing like fucking around on me with my best friend, or should I say ex best friend.” Jack just huffed and walked out of their bedroom slamming the door behind him causing the picture of there wedding day to fall to the floor.

Janet fell to the bed and began to sob. _How could it come to this _ she thought as she got up and picked up the picture. The glass had been shattered just like their once perfect marriage had been. _ How could he bring up when I had lost all that money in the investment, it wasn’t her fault her ex best friend lied to her _she thought.

She attempted to hang the picture back on the wall but the frame had been bent and the glass just kept falling on the floor. She set it on the table next to the door and put her head to the wall and began banging on the wall in frustration. There was no way out of this, it was over divorce was inevitable.

When she hit the wall the last time all of the sudden and small shimmer of light appeared next to the bed. “Oh, I almost forgot about that” she said out loud. The door was to a small closet next to the bed. It was pretty much useless so they didn’t use it but now there was a light on in the room, and then all of the sudden she heard a low growl of a voice come from behind the door “We can make this problem go away.”

Janet walked closer to the door and put her ear near the door and heard it again only a little louder this time, “We can make this problem go away.” Janet stepped back from the door and shook her head, she had to be hearing things and decided to look into the room but just a peek and that is when she saw the little creature behind the door and he said “We can get rid of him and make the problem go away.”

His teeth were pointy and his hair was jet black. He smiled and blood rolled out of his mouth and down his chin. His eyes began to glow like two shiny pennies and he said “You let me out and I can make this problem go away.” He began running towards the door. He pulled out a knife and began to shriek in an evil laughter that was what Janet pictured the laughter of a madman would have sounded like.

Janet slammed the door shut and stepped back. The light went out and no more noise came out from behind the door. “What the hell was that?” She said out loud and realized that she never wanted to open that door again, and planned to nail it shut. A peek was more than enough for her into that room and she never looked inside again.

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