Submitted by Bailie MacGregor
"Who are you?" - those were the hardest three words to hear in my life.
Write a story containing this line, or centred around the idea.
Discovery (Part Two)
This isn’t the prompt but I’m going to finish tonight.
Well we couldn’t really understand him. I new that this might be the future of the universe. In three days they were coming to pick up Bob(alien).
Three weeks later, I was brought in to try and help with the failing communication process, and again I felt the desperation in the room, emanating from Bob. The room was plain and gave little inspiration for entertainment. Then it hit me in flash, I could communicate through feelings! I could feel the excitement in the room pick up. Bob must have felt my understanding and grew extremely excited!
We continued to learn and advance in technology thanks to Bob, but even more importantly, we made emotional contact. Bob and I learned that the lifestyles on Earth and Bob’s home planet hade the same problems emotionally as humans do. I learned that life has so many problems, but your not doing it alone.