As someone who works in a repair shop, you’ve seen a lot of damaged and old items. But sometimes an object is brought to you that raises some questions.

The Target

Just some morning in my passed father’s old repair shop, man that place’s filthy. Cleaned it up a bit, picked a few needed necessary items that may help my repair shop, too many of these nasty rusty items, it’s been too long since I’ve been here. I took a break from this job for 5 months not expecting much to change but much did change, items everywhere, things I hadn’t seen ever before, it was weird because I never really thought to discover the shop in debt rather than just fixing basic things. I pick up a racket I had saw, it broke once I picked it up, a tool box that was half chopped and much more creeped man made items. I walk slowly towards the back of the store and hear a tap, like some animal was moving. I head towards the sound more and more and I see a weird shaped box filled with rust and bugs, with curiousness I kick it and quickly a rat runs out and I gasp. That thing disappeared as fast as I blinked, I turn around and the same box I see symbols and weird lettering. I get suspicious on how I all of a sudden find all this and why these random letters are placed specifically in my father’s old repair room. I do my research and as I am I noticed one of the words that was backwards had said, “m u r d 3 r.” I hear a creek on the back door and as I turn around something seems to appear closer and closer, I just can’t describe what it was clearly, it was black and had vicious eyes, I feared whatever was coming. As I grasp for one breath I realize this was it, what my dad had said when I found him dead lying on the ground in the same room, it was him, he was black, it was the same creature my dad warned me on about before his passing. I knew this was him, with no armor or protection, the creature whispers, “wonder who’s next.” Seconds later, chokes me. I died. Earlier that day on the same weird box, was a number, this number was #5. Weirdly this event occurred 5 years after my father had died. Is this creature killing someone every 5 years? Has he always? Who’s next? The End.
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