by Adellanuki @ deviantart

Use this image as the setting for a story, poem, or descriptive piece.

Saying Goodbye

She had walked through this cemetary a hundred times before, but it had never before looked like this. Always eager to prove her bravery, a school yard dare soon became a regular short-cut, and later, edgy hangout spot. It had never scared her, and it soon become second nature, as familiar to her as the hidden corners of her yard or bedroom So how had she never seen it like this before. A glow that seemed to come not from the moon or the distant street lights, but from the very fabric of the place. It was beautiful, calming, peaceful. And then with a clarity that comes with certainty she understood why she was here. Why she had returned this time. And now she knew this was where she must remain She looked around at the sad faces, her family, her friends. Watching the tears fall silently down their cheeks, lit by the glow they could not see She wanted to tell them it was allright, she was allright, but all she could do was look on, witness their grief and say her goodbyes.
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