Write a psalm about a particular place.

Although broadly associated with Christianity, Psalms as a poetic form intend to offer lessons and suggestions for how to live life. What advice might a landmark, building, or landscape give?

This Town

Around every corner, a ghost

In this town.

Familiar, creeping, knowing

Invading the unknowing mind with memory and being.

It grabs hold, forcing surrender.

Impossible to see a corner

And not see the apparition lurking in it.

There: that afternoon, the bright sun, the patio, laughter and then…

Here: a woman scuffles forward on the sidewalk, pulling her belongings in a broken-down cart; you know that woman

And there again: a new mom pushes her child in a stroller toward the daycare doors…a child now grown and moved far off. Your child.

Every sight is the site of a remembrance

Sparking some forgotten neural pathway.

You cannot flee.


In this town of shadows

With its grey-black bricks,

Awnings flapping under hot air.

Its smoke stacks.

Laundry lines,

Yellow buses.


In this town.

Here, the dry cleaner

Here, the cafe

The mechanic

The library - it is just opening for the day!

It is a town to grow up in

And eventually fold into

To become

Like the earth around it: soil. A phantom

In someone else’s


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