How would you describe silence?

Think about which senses you can use to describe the sound, and feeling, of silence.

What Is Silence?

The end. The moment you realize your efforts are unseen, unappreciated, and quite frankly, unwanted

When you realize it isn’t love. That they don’t love you, or maybe even that you no longer love them

Silence is the sustained moment choking the air out of the hospital room, as realization sets in for the to-be mother that her child is not breathing before her cries flood the room. Her lungs expanding and burning in such a way that she wished her child’s were

Silence is the moment that lingers, filled with feeling of joy in the air after good friends just shared a genuine whole hearted laugh, drinks in hand, sitting around in the backyard enjoying the evening

Silence is when there are no words left to truly describe the moment at hand. When no one has anything left to say, and they are left taking in all the previous moment beforehand. It is what you’re left with them the moment has passed and realization sets in. It’s the conclusion

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