What An Adventure

You may be wondering how I got here. Well it’s been quite the day. I don’t know how I got here. But I think it started with a drug in my breakfast allowing me to get kidnapped by people I don’t know and I figured out how to escape only to find out I’m far from home so had to travel with a circus and was really good with what I was doing so they wanted to keep me but I just wanted to get home to worry about stresses of school but alas I had to figure out my way out of a circus and well I ended up finding myself escaping to the zoo and taking care of the lions who took a liking to me so I didn’t want to leave them but I had to and now I’m stuck here for a while but hey I managed to send a postcard to my parents to let them know I’m okay and that I’m figuring out how to get home and I managed to find a way home and now I’m home but I’ve got my kidnappers at my door as well as the circus and zoo people with one of the lions with them wanting to give me kisses and hugs and I don’t know what to do with my life now… I guess I could go back to the circus and the zoo from time to time but I just want to finish high school.

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