Think of the traits of the person you dislike...then place them in a short story which paints these traits as positives.

Take a real life villian and consider their good sides, while keeping all their traits. How might they be used for positive things? (Please do not name names; this is an exercise in thinking, not incriminating!)

you’re okay, i guess

they said she was too confrontational, too forward. that she was down on her luck and needed a friend. this friend happened to be a tall, slender, model like girl who makes everyone feel important— thats her specialty. the words of her friend was the final push that broke the dam and suddenly emotions and feeling came rushing out and the girl confided in her friend. she said that making friends in the new place was hard and that her friends were too spread out. the friend said that another friend of hers was dealing with the same thing, but she was managing. the friend continued on to say that her other friend was liked by the others in a way the girl was not. the girl felt betrayed and in the heat of the moment, said that she was better than the other friend. she had complete confidence in her friend and excepted the conversation to lead to vast opportunities and invites to future social events. all it got her was black-balled.
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