Write a story that contains an introverted character.

They do not have to be the main character, but think about which personality traits they demonstrate that could relate to your plot, and drive your scene.


He wasn’t the quiet kid. At least he didn’t consider himself to be the quiet kid. He spoke when he had something to say and didn’t waste his breath otherwise. He sat in the back of his classes. He kept earbuds in while walking the hallways but no one knew there was never anything playing. When the bell rang at the start of first period, he would act as though he hadn’t heard the guys next to him throwing insults his way. He couldn’t hear them calling him a waste of space. That his drunk father didn’t even give him the time of day. There’s nothing more set in stone than the mindsets of teenagers anyways. Mrs. Briggs yelled for everyone to take their seats. “The first day is still my time to mold your young minds. Welcome back everyone we’ll talk about the syllabus in a few minutes but first I’d like to have a brief discussion about your summer reading.” Groans reverberated through the room whilst a hand up front shot into the air. “Yes, April what we’re your thoughts on “Of Mice and Men”?” “It was heart wrenching. I couldn’t believe how much death and suffering took place throughout the entire plot.” “It can be pretty dark at times. Anyone else?” “Yeah why didn’t the normal one kill the retard sooner?” The group of popular guys chuckled egging on their leader. “I mean it would have solved everything.” “Well, Bryson, you don’t think their friendship was worth fighting for?” “Some friendship, all he did was cause problems.” “Maybe someone should shoot you in the head… solve all our problems.” The room went silent, all eyes falling on Kane. Mrs. Briggs cleared her throat. “Mr. Leeson, please step into the hallway.” Kane’s sigh was quiet and easily missed under the snickering of Bryson and his friends. Kane packed his things following Mrs. Briggs into the hallway. The whispers floated out into the hall before the door clicked shut. “Mr. Leeson, While your retort may have been warranted I can’t let you say things like that in class.” Kane blushed, “I’m sorry Mrs. Briggs.” “If I was upset I’d be sending you to the front office, but just go speak with the guidance counselor. I’ll let her know you’re coming.” Kane nodded and Mrs. Briggs opened the door, whispers having morphed into full on conversations, and stepped back inside. Kane shouldered his bag walking through the empty halls noting the accomplishment. Reprimanded within the first few minutes of the first class of the first day of Senior year. Thank god Mrs. Briggs was cool. The principle would have certainly called his dad, but the guidance counselor would just ask him what was going on in his life along with other cryptic questions. Stepping around the corner just before entering the math wing, Kane knocked on the guidance counselors open door. Mrs. Donoghay waved him in, the desk phone at her ear. She was no doubt on the phone with Mrs. Briggs getting the story about what just happened. Kane dropped his bag closing the office door before dropping into the seat slouching slightly. “Mhmm… yeah he’s here… no problem… I’ll send him back when we’re done… yep… alright bye. So, Kane, five minutes in huh?” Kane scoffed, “What can I say? I’m an over achiever.” “Briggs filled me in. Quite honestly a lot of problems would be solved by removing Mr. Bryson from this educational environment, but unfortunately that would easily ruin his life as a result.” “What a bummer… can we do it anyways?” Mrs. Donoghay laughed, “Look, Kane, saying things like that is fine in private or just in your head but maybe don’t say that out loud in public. It doesn’t cast you in the best light.” Kane nodded glancing at the floor. “Understood.” “Great. Go back to class, you might be able to get back before Briggs breaks too far into the syllabus.” A curt nod and Kane was up throwing his bag back over his shoulder. He stepped out leaving the door open as it had been when he arrived and began walking back towards his English class. He was passing the bathrooms when the girls door swung open nearly smashing his nose into his face. “Oh god sorry…” April stood in front of him nearly the same as when he’d left class but he noted the slightly red rims of her eyes. He shrugged letting the door drift closed. She sniffed and cleared her throat, “We should get back to class.” April began to turn but Kane grabbed her wrist gently pulling her back. “You okay?” Her stiff jaw and quick nod were enough for him to know not to press. Any prodding from him would only make her break right here in the hallway so he dropped her wrist and followed her back to class. Mrs. Briggs was still on the first page of the syllabus as they both took their seats. When the bell rang, Kane immediately shoved earbuds in and packed up his things. Bryson made a beeline for April following her out into the filling hallway. As Kane passed them out in the hallway he only caught a few words the Bryson practically yelled. “You really have become a slut. Practically begging me to fuck you at Jay’s this summer and now a quickly with Kane Leeson in the school bathroom? Who’s next April?” Kane turned down the next hall needing to get as far from Bryson before he lost control of himself.
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