For a while your brother was convinced that someone was following him; now he has gone missing.
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The Creek By The Creek
There it was again, I asked all of my friends if they could hear it. he said no 😂 I was truly terrified at this point and was shaking from head to toe. I truly had no way out of this one and I didn’t even know where that creaking sound was coming from. Oh how that creaking sound horrified me. Every time I heard it it reminds me of the past.
You see, many years ago I came to this same creek I went fishing with my father. What a kind man he was but one day, We heard that very creaking sound coming from down by the creek where we fished. My father went to go examine it, We said our goodbyes. oh how I do think of that goodbye, I think about it every day. I knew my father was a brave man. I kept trying to convince myself to be as brave as he once was and go and investigate the creaking sound but I could never do it year after year we came here you’re after year I was tortured and no one else could hear it. You see, when my father came back from examining down by the creek he did not hear nor see anything. Or at least that’s all he told me about but still that very creek you’re still ringing in my ears creeeeeek. Oh how bad the sound was, I decided to go down and examine it myself. When I got down to the creek it was a cabin there that I never seen before even though it looked like it was about 100 years old. At this point I had already built up enough courage to even go down in the first place so I decided to go inside. My friend at this point I’ve been scared off so it was just me and whatever was in that cabin. I slowly creaked open the door. My hand at this point shaking beyond understanding. And as I looked inside what I saw was are you single chair. The end. Part two coming