Start a scene from an omniscient point of view, and then zoom in to a first-person perspective.
Focus on how the shift changes the reader's connection to the story.
They gaze into those eyes of hers; They only see the stars; they orate and smile, expecting reply, yet only hear the space between.
And when she talks, she doesn’t say; and when she walks, she doesn’t sway; further from edacious, she bore a soul impervious, with nothing to be said nor done to skew her empty heart.
When they gaze, I fall apart; when they try, they wrench my heart; I look upon their warm embrace and meet it with an empty face.
I hope to feel the love they give, and smile just the same, but deep within an iceberg lies to smother rising flames; there it is to numb a wound once made— there I keep it lest the pain should rise again.