Create a short description of a person who is the ideal target audience for you book.
Make sure to add in why your story would be appealing to this person, or why this type of person would like your novel.
Ideally, my want is to appeal to the “nerds” of the group. I have grown up on fantasy novels and the rich vignettes of heroism and lore. My want would be to create characters that excite my readers and provide a realm in which they too can fatnasize.
I played a particular TTG that has so deeply impact led the way I think about the fantasy realm, that originally I thought to write it in that world. Since then, my exploration of other worlds has led me to expand the world I’d want to create to have some uniqueness that makes the readers excited.
I want my readers to love fantasy. To love magic and what it can do. To love heros and villains, and the chance for one to become the other.