Need help with A Good title

Sky is getting red

Body’s getting cold

Heart is skipping beats

Mind stars to lose itself

I don’t know what this is

Could be death or it could be I realized the last time you left

Was in fact the LAST time

You showed me how to love myself

Even when I was down you’d be the one to pick me up

I knew you were indeed my dream girl but I never knew how impactful a dream could be

Not until you chose to cast me in your infinite Tsukuyomi

And now that I’ve been snapped back to this lonely ass reality

I yet again want to be put back under your Genjutsu

I crave that euphoric feeling I always had when I had you around

The rapturous feeling I had when I knew you’d be who I’m falling asleep to

But just like any other genjutsu

It was temporary

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