
I just wanted her back more than anything in the world, so I did what nobody should do. I dug up her casket and brought her back into the world from being buried in the dark crevices of the earth. I opened it to see her decaying body almost completely gone with nothing left but bones.

“Oh my love, I came back for you. I couldn’t stand knowing we were so far apart from each other,” I say to her.

I pick her up and sit her on top of her casket after closing it back up. I was ready for us to be reunited once and for all, so I took my pocket knife out of my back pocket, looked her in her almost empty eye sockets, and placed my lips against hers.

One last physical kiss.

I took the knife to my throat and swiped the blade from one side to the other. I started to choke on my own blood as I fell down below her knees to the ground gasping the last bit of air I would ever breathe again, never breaking eye contact with my love.

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