Art by Sans @

Write a horror or thriller version of a classic Christmas tale.
The red-nosed reindeer
You know Rudolph, Santa Claus, his elves, and the others in the North Pole. You know Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, and Vixen. Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen. But good old Saint Nick never did keep my promise. So here I am now, breaking mine as well. This is the story of an 8th reindeer, replaced by his brother. Murdered… with no one knowing it was him. Santa couldn’t lose his most popular reindeer, so he told me to keep quiet, the only one who witnessed the whole thing, promising he’d tell one day. 25 years later, here I am, still waiting.
Until now.
Viven was a good reindeer. A strong and intelligent son of Vixen and Dancer.
I was the stable hand. I did what you would think a stable hand does.
Replacing hay.
Cleaning the “messes.”
Keeping them clean.
Although you wouldn’t think so, I enjoyed my job. The reindeer weren’t too much trouble, (except for Blitzen.)
It’s when Rudolph showed up that things went haywire.
It was your typical day at the North Pole. Elves scurrying around, preparing for Christmas like it was tomorrow. Mrs. Claus had just paid a visit to the laundromat, (they exist), dragging Cupid along with her. Santa Claus had just returned in his sleigh. I ran to his aid, unharnessing the reindeer as quickly as my hands would let me. Donner, bumped Vixen, but he ignored him, so Donnor hit Blitzen, making him angry. “Donner, don’t make me get Orantia.” The small orange elf terrified him for no reason. I walked to the head of the team. Viven stood tall and proud. His glossy gold-brown coat glistened in the sunlight. “Zurückstehen,” I told him. “Stand down,” in German. He loosened his shoulders, his expression still firm. He called to the other reindeer, and they mimicked it. It wasn’t until Santa stepped out, a reindeer with a bright white nose behind him, that the other reindeer spooked. Thank goodness for Viven. He stood at the head of the herd, making the bright-nosed reindeer look small. “Ah, Hadley, please give Rudolph a home. He said the other reindeer wouldn’t let him play games. He was abused for being different. We will all love him here, right?” The elves around him cheered, some wiping tears from their eyes. And Santa strolled off to “Goley’s Cookie Emporium,” leaving me more confused than ever.
It wasn’t until we got to the barn that things went wrong. All of the reindeer hated Rudolph, and they let it show. Bunching up around Viven, making loud calls. “Please, calm down. Rudolph won’t be here forever,” I tried to calm them down, though I wasn’t so sure myself. All of the reindeer huddled into one stall, Viven, Vixen, and Comet at the front. Cupid and Dancer slept snuggled together. Rudolph’s nose was agitating. I didn’t know if reindeer could look evil, but if they could, Rudolph was the definition. Finally, Viven had had enough. Comet stayed in front of the other reindeer, and Viven faced Rudolph, his father Vixen at his side. Rudolph should’ve backed away and made it clear that this was _Viven’s _territory, and he would not be invading it. Instead, he stepped forward, hoping for a fight. I turned around and huddled my walkie-talkie to my mouth. “We have a code 000.001, I need all the elves I can get in the stable _now._” The reindeer were already butting antlers when I turned again. Viven was strong enough on his own, but with Vixen helping as well, Rudolph wouldn’t stand a chance. Rudolph’s nose glowed brighter and brighter until Vixen began walking around blindly. He had blinded Vixen. I couldn’t interfere, or I would be dead as well. Viven was agitated. He charged forward, hoping to come in for the kill I was suspecting. But in a flash of light, and a loud cry from Viven, Rudolph’s antlers were dripping with blood, and Viven lying lifeless on the ground. I could hear the rustling of elves' feet, and yelling. But there was no use. No one would know who had done it. The blood had disappeared from Rudolph’s antlers, but his nose was stained red.
Now you know how the most beloved reindeer around the world became a red-nosed reindeer.