Write a story about a character revisiting their old school as an adult.
Maybe it is a happy reunion, or maybe they are loath to go back there.
My Reunion
The invitation arrived on a Saturday morning, and I just stared at it as if my past was coming back to haunt me. I hesitatntly opened up the letter and asked my wife to read it to me. My greatest fear was realized when she read the following:
Dear Mike,
It is that time again. We request your presence at our 20th high school reunion. Meet your friends and share what you have accomplished and where you are going.
My mouth dropped and I dropped my head. I have become successful, but the memories caming flowing back to me. The torment and bullying I received at the hands of one class mate, Jack Tormento, how fitting of a name that I will never forget. I felt a great fear bubble from within my stomach and felt physically ill and told my wife that I was not going to go.
Jennifer smiled and said “You have to show them how far you’ve come Mike. You have become such a successful artist. You’ve avoided this for so long its time to face your enemies with your head held high.” I smiled at her and sighed “You are right it is time. I’m going and going to show them how much I’ve accomplished over the years.”
I walked away from the table with a large smile on my face and the fear replaced with a sense of pride thanks to my loving wife.