Write a chase scene that varies in pace; moments of high-speed pursuit interspersed with quieter, tenser moments.
Use sentence length and structure to influence the pacing. Short sentences for speed, longer ones for slower moments.
The Hunter And The Hunted…
Why did they always run…?
“Damn it, Larry.” Stskai sighed as she watched the lowlife fledgling bolt through the warehouse door. All he had to do was answer one simple question: “Who’s running the show, Larry?” But no, Larry had to run… and that meant that she’d have to chase him. That was her least favorite thing. She preferred her prey to be lured in, mesmerized, and stricken down before they ever knew what had happened. She hated running.
Larry tore through the ally way. He scaled a chain fence. Trash bags cushioned his fall. Panicked, he ran. He ran as fast as he could. That damned dame was asking the wrong questions. Questions that could get him killed. She didn’t know who she was fucking with. He was glad he didn’t need to breathe. Not since he’d been turned.
Larry’s feet pounded against the asphalt. He couldn’t stop. Not until he knew he was far from her. He could pretend she’d never cornered him. He could tell the others she was snooping around. Get back up. He’d heard of her. She was just as much a threat as Vinny was. He knew he couldn’t take her alone. He turned a corner. A well lit street. Main Street. People were always present, even this late at night.
Slowing to a jog, Larry dared to glance behind him. A sigh parted his lips, the sight of red hair and caramel skin was nowhere to be seen. A few teenagers were hanging out at a late night convenience store up ahead and a few other adults were walking, probably to sober up before heading home. Larry continued to walk as he shoved his hands in his pocket. Of course he’d outrun her, he was a vampire now after all, fresh as he was. The curse of never seeing the sun again came with unimaginable speed and power; though he was starting to feel quite a big hungry now after exerting so much energy.
He passed the teenagers: there was too many of them, it wouldn’t be easy to pick one off. Larry scanned the street as he walked, attempting to find the perfect prey; someone alone. His eyes landed on the perfect target. A woman, a pretty looking thing, walking alone in a darker section where the storefronts ended. He realized how dry his throat felt, how much his teeth ached… He kept an even pace as he moved towards the woman. He didn’t want to draw suspicion to himself. Women were suspicious of most men nowadays thanks to that ‘Me Too’ bullshit.
The woman was about to pass an ally. Larry grinned, fangs visible from behind his lips. He had almost caught up with her. She was just an arm’s length away. He reached out to grab her. The click of a gun sounded behind him. The woman turned and screamed at the sight of him. Stskai stood behind him, a handgun pressed against the back of his head.
“Get out of here.” Stskai’s green eyes met the woman’s. As if on cue, she ran, loosing her high heels in the process. Larry went to move and Stskai pressed the gun harder into his hair.
“Not you.” She hissed before she took Larry’s arm in her free hand. “This way.” She instructed as she practically pulled him into the ally way.
“Damn it, Kai; I don’t want no trouble.” Larry slurred behind his elongated teeth. He was still getting used to them.
“Then you shouldn’t have fucking run, Larry.” Stskai pursed her lips as she glared towards the poor excuse for a fledgling. “Good thing you stopped for a meal. I might not have caught up.” Stskai snorted as she lowered the gun. The ally only had one exit and Stskai had made sure to position herself in the way of it.
“Let’s try this again; who’s the one that’s been turning so many of you bastards?”
For a petite woman, there was something dangerous about her. The way she stood, the confidence that radiated around her. Then there were the stories… Of all the hunter’s in the city, she was one of the few that the night creature’s feared. Larry swallowed. His eyes darted around as if trying to think of a way to escape.
“You know I can’t answer that. He’ll kill me if I tell.” Larry practically cried. He was a trapped animal. She could smell the fear from him.
“It’s Vinny, isn’t it…” The disappointment on her voice dripped like venom. Larry’s eyes grew wide and he visibly shook.
“I ain’t say that!” Even though he didn’t need to breathe, Larry was panting from fear. A habit from life perhaps.
“Fuck, it is him…” Stskai said as she slipped her gun away into a holster on her hip. “Damn, ok… Listen Larry, we can help-“ Stskai was cut off mid sentence as Larry stabbed her in the stomach with a pocket knife. Her eyes grew wide before anger overtook her face. Her pupils turned to slits and a hiss escaped her throat. Larry’s panic doubled as he watched her face change into something less human…and more snake-like.
“The fuck are you?” Larry’s voice quivered along with the rest of his body as he dropped the knife. He took a step back.
“Run.” Stskai hissed before she lunged towards him. Her caramel skin had begun to look scaly. Her mouth had become a little too wide as long fangs extended from hidden sheaths. Larry went to run. A dead end. He jumped. His hands clawed at the wall. He tried to climb.
He felt something pierce the back of his leg. His body went numb almost instantly. His fingers gave way and he fell back onto the ground. He couldn’t move. Larry looked up in horror at the giant snake-like creature that hovered over him. Red hair, green eyes, but scales and fangs where human features had been before. Stskai’s secret? She wasn’t human…