The Parcels Dilemma

This group of three teen boys were getting back home, after a day of riding their bikes. They decide to take a new and different route home to keep things interesting, they chose to go on the rarely used freight train tracks. Because it has an uninterrupted clear path straight to their neighborhood store, along the way they were joking around and laughing.

But then came a point under a small bridge, where it was dark. The smell was suddenly very extreme, and there were many flies flying about. As they got closer to the source they got freaked out, one of them turned his flash light on. That’s when they saw the horrible scene, right there laying on the floor was a man in a mailmen uniform. Seemingly choked to death with a tough plastic bag over his whole head, tight on his face.

The boys were all stressing out in their own way, but the more daring one of them decides to touch the body. The others panic and say don’t touch him! Because your finger prints will be all over it. He says it’s fine because no one will ever find him. But they debate that they must report this man being here, the other guy says that it’s true they should. But the same one who touched the body, finds the mailman’s mailbag and takes it in his own backpack.

The three boys have an argument, and the two that want to get someone down here we’re verses the one who took the bag. He says it’s not like it will bring back the mailmen, and the others panic even more. Then suddenly something that almost never happens occurs right then, the freight train was coming in the distance. Oh shit! They start to run and hide on the side of the tunnel’s end under the bridge. When the train passed by, the other two boys got superstitious and said that was an ominous sign.

I don’t care I’m gonna call the authorities, one boy says. we just won’t tell them that you took the mailbag, he continues to say. So they first get home and then anonymously tell the police, it turned into an investigation. But no clear ideas on what went down. Weeks later the one who took the mail actually started opening and reading other people’s mail for entertainment, until he discovered something that made him share with the other two.

He saw some seemingly cryptic letters coming to one of their foreign neighbors, and there were several of them addressed to that person. Letters talking about moving large funds of money, and instructions on which Secure passwords to use. He shares with the boys and says there might be secrets that can lead them to treasure, he wants to plan sneaking in and stealing what he might find. The others want to opt out and think it’s a dangerous plan. Just give it to the authorities.

He’s not a fan of that, and says he will do it himself. Afraid of what might happen to him, the other boy steals one of the letters when they weren’t looking. And he brings it to the police station and claims that he just found it, they reviewed the letter. The police sends these letters to the FBI, as they pertain to a digital bank heist case. Later they find the neighbor getting arrested, and their whole house being searched.

No one had any idea that they had a major cyber criminal living in their town, the feds thank the boys for letting them know about the letter. It was lucky for Thor her kid because he was just about to go burglarize that house the same day as the fbi came. They had a small reward in the end, 8000$ to share between each other.

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