After moving into a new house, you find a hidden door to an underground passageway...

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“Hidden passage you say? Sounds interesting” my friend said as I told him about a hidden door to an underground passageway. We decided to explore the passage together while recording a live, we could potentially earn some views. Once we meet up at my house, we organized our tools and devices, we brought a camera, a flashlights, and a knife in case of emergency. Then we started our live, “Hi guys welcome to our video, today we’re going to explore a kooky hidden door that led to an underground passageway” we introduced to the viewers. We then opened the door and goes inside.

The stairs down was so worn, it feels like it could collapse in any seconds. The passage was damp and concealed, we were forced to open our flashlights in order to see, a few chairs and tables stand alone inside. Deeper into the passage, we found small rooms with torn beds and tattered furnitures, all these show signs of people once living here. Our views grow rapidly, me and my friend are amazed by how much we already have, perhaps this will become viral I thought. “Hey, do you think we should continue? It’s kind of creepy, we already get a lot of views” I suggested to my friend. My friend turned around and faced me, his gaze fell upon me, “Of course no, what are you thinking, we’re already getting a lot more views than the addition of all our previous videos”, he claimed in refusal.

We stopped our conversations and went deeper in, the scattered furniture and silence slowly increased my anxiety. I noticed that the furniture was becoming more new around us as we progressed. Our camera malfunctioned, the light of our flashlights seems to become weaker and weaker. The light went out, our camera was completely dead. We were now lost, we can’t leave, we can’t find any exits, we’re stuck here forever.

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