We All New It Would Happen

UFO do you know what that stands for? Ya unidentified flying object and one crashed on Mount Logan just outside of Alaska. I’m the lead scientist in charge of examining the technology and materials that our workers excavate from the aircraft. “Hey smarty pants” said someone I did not recognize “boss told me to give this to you” as he handed me what looked like an iPad to the naked eye but was definitely alien. I took it and went into the tent set up nearby and took it to my lab, when I got there I ran it through a machine to see if there we any familiar metals or resources. When it was finished I looked through the diagnostics and they were all brand new materials, I set it down on a counter and was about to message my boss but I bumped the alien tablet of the table on to the ground. At first I thought I was screwed but then it started playing a message in a very foreign language and I knew I had explore the ship myself. Me and a team of military experts walked into the hole in the side and even though there had been no life forms detected but we weren’t going to take any risks because this was the first evidence of aliens yet, there had been rumours but this was real and I was entering what looked to be a control room at the frontal deck of the aircraft. Everything was sparking and the screens and buttons were all glowing purple with the same three symbols over and over again, I heard a voice behind me and turned around to see one of the soldiers dangling from the ceiling. Then the other men started yelling at me to get of there. We were being attacked but before I could leave I was tackled by an invisible force . We all knew it would happen one day earth would get invaded and poor Doctor Michaels was only one of the first victims.

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