by Art by Sans @

Write a horror or fantasy story based around this image.

What’s Hidden In The Shadows

“So your my fairy god mother?” The fear that once filled her voice left within seconds. It wasn’t the fairytale she had imagined but no one ever said it had to be by the book.

“Yes my child my looks may not be what you were hoping for, but it’s the ones like me who no one goes searching for,” The tall figure left her eyes covered with hair, her voice was angelic and entrancing. Drawing the girl in.

“Did you have to hide? Why would you not want someone to look for you?” The girl stepped closer the mystery making her want to know more and more. Her eyes were enchanted and she moved as calm as the sea.

“I have many reasons some are from the people of power who wanted to use me. It wasn’t hard to hide I have many forms,” The figure started moving, walking in a slow circle around the girl, “It was easier to make them fear the dark, wonder what’s creeping behind the corner, what stalks them in the forest. That way no one would come for me,”

“Wouldn’t you want people to look for you? To have the feeling that somebody wants you, needs you?” The enchanted look left her eyes as the fear of someone leaving you, staying alone filled her head.

“I wanted myself,” The figure stopped in front of her. It’s voice changing trying to make her understand, “Once you figure that out, you won’t need anyone. All you will need is yourself, and my dear you are always enough.”

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