Write a story about a thief, which encourages the reader to side with, and like, this criminal.
Maybe they are charming and witty, maybe they steal for the right reasons, maybe they share their wealth; make us want to be the thief's friend!
The Life Of A Thief
I stared down at the beautiful golden necklace. I know who would love this, I thought. When the salesman of the cart wasn’t looking, I snatched the piece of jewelry off the table, and stuffed it into my pocket. “Brooklyn Clark?” I turn around cautiously. “Yes, Ma’am?” Miss Bree Campbell stood with her arms crossed. “What’s up?” I asked. Miss Bree Campbell rolled her eyes as if it was obvious. “What’s up is that I’ve just caught you stealing! Right in front of me!” Ever since her husband died 11 years ago, she’s had the tendency to be a huge snitch and tell on everyone for everything. To be completely fair, I was stealing. I gave her a charming grin. “Congrats! You’re the first witness!” Then, I turned on my heal and sprinted away from Miss Bree Campbell as fast as I could. I could here shrieks as I ran down the street. “Help! Help! I saw this girl stealing!! Guards! Security! Anyone! HELP!!” I beamed with proud as I turned a corner and dashed down an alley. I slowed to a jog as I gazed down at the beautiful, gold jewelry I had stolen from that poor little girl. Ehh, she can make some more, I thought to myself. I glanced back up at the alley way. “What are you doing here?” Said a gruff voice. I looked up in shock at a buff tall man. “Your in my territory.” I rolled my eyes. “Where not dogs, you idiot. Back off.” The man snarled. His face scarred with blood. He took a step closer to me. “Pretty necklace, Brooklyn.” The growled. I turned and fingered the smooth rock in my hand. “That’s Miss Clark to you!” I shouted and threw the stone at his face. He howled with rage as I dashed out of the alley. I must get out of here, I thought. I made my way down the street. “I’m nearly to the orphanage.” I mumbled under my breath.
After minutes of walking, I could finally see the the big brown building peaking just over the top of all the little shops. I smile came to my face as I remembered all the little children, desperate for attention. There was one girl I had met. Her name was Sophia. She was a small thin girl. Her curly blonde hair was to her ribs. Her cute little smile always made my heart will with joy. There’s a reason I steal. Because Sophia deserves a better life. Not to be trapped in a house with of kids who bully her. I couldn’t wait to give Sophia something she could cherish for the rest of her life. I jumped up onto a table and tried to see if they had left any windows open in the orphanage. To my surprise, there was a small circular window open on the first floor. I hopped down from the table and started walking through the street. The street wasn’t that crowed. Only a few people stood next to carts and houses. This part of town was the poorer part. Many beggars sat and pleaded for money. There were two girls, probably around my age, stood a little ways away from a poor family. The girls were definitely wealthy, with long satin dresses and gold jewelry. Their hair was lush and and golden. The family who sat nearby, gazed at them longingly. The two girls were dangling food in the air tauntingly at the family. “Hey! Knock it off!” I shouted and yanked the food out of they’re hands. I walked toward the family and handed them the food. They whole family stared at me with thanks. I set back down the street. I hopped over a bush and crawled through the orphanages window. The first room I was in just happened to be the room I was looking for. “Brook!!” Squealed a little voice in the back of the room. “Sophia!” I cried back. I handed her the necklace. She was about to say thank you, but I was already down the street, planning the next invasion.
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