Submitetd by Jewelie Rain

“I want to be complete, not perfect.”

Write a story which ends with this line.


I’m not a good person.

Everyone knows that, but they still love me. Maybe it’s just something that everyone ignores.

Every day I wake up and see the ones I love, it makes me feel like I deserved all this despite everything I’ve done to them. They’re just so forgiving and loving.

When I relax with my closest friends on the couch in the evening, the warmth blooming in my chest is almost all-encompassing. It is these small moments that make me actually believe that I’m recovering from THAT day.

I feel that I don't deserve their attention, that they’ll be sick of me one day.

They say that repeating a mantra every day will help me heal from the trauma. Even if I still really don't believe it now, I repeat it every day,

“I want to be complete, not perfect.”

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