You receive a letter from a parallel world, addressed to your parallel self. It seems they are in danger, and you must help them.

Continue the story.

The Other World

When Jayla went to get my mail, she got a very odd letter. First of all, it’s address said, ‘from another world.’

“What does that even mean?” She said aloud, making several heads turn.

Jayla smiled shyly and just kept walking. She opened the letter, and it read:

Dear Jayla,

I understand you may be confused as to why this letter was sent to you. I’m from a world called, Lucien, and right now, we are in grave danger.

People from your world contacted our leader, saying that they are going to travel to our world and said that they are going to conquer our land, and make us into slaves.

Because you live in the same world as these people, we need your help. Try to decide fast, you are going to need to be trained to fight, which could take some time.

They are traveling to our world in two months. They told us to get ourselves prepared. When you decide go to 3rd street, and I will be waiting.

“What!” She shouted, turning even more heads. People gave her dirty looks and tried their best to avoid being close to her.

What was she going to do?

She made a pros and cons list, and of course her kind side stepped in and decided that she was going to help them. Especially since it was humans going after…whoever they were.

So she walked to 3rd street and found a beautiful lady. Once the lady noticed her she smiled and squealed as she ran toward her.

“You came!” She said and hugged her tightly.

Jayla was so shocked that someone who didn’t actually know her just hugged her.

She saw the side of the lady’s face and noticed that her ears were pointed. She was an elf.

Jayla found out that the lady’s name was Delly, and that in her world they only had first names.

Delly took her to her world and trained her how to fight. When to two months were up, they went to war, and won!

Jayla and Delly stayed in contact and stayed close friends.

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