Submitted by Lockitt Mobby

Write a scene where a superhero must reveal their true identity to someone they care for.

Maybe I Am The Villain

Swords clash, again and again. As me and the “Hero” as they call him fight. But he’s not the hero, just as I’m not the villain. The things I’ve done, I have a good reason for doing them. I do them to protect, protect my family. Some don’t see it the way I do though, they say I’m evil and heartless.

“Give up now, before it’s to late” I say, getting ready to lunge again. The Hero just shakes his head, breathing hard. Pathetic, really. “Please,” He begs “You don’t have to do this, you don’t have to be the villain” I smile at that and lunge. He blocks just in time. I laugh “How much more can you take?” “Enough” He promises I come at him full speed this time, full force. This time, this time he’s not fast enough. My sword goes into his abdomen, blood already seeping out. I smile again as he takes a step back. He soon falls to the ground on his knees. He’s breathing even harder now, blood dripping from his wound. His hand comes shakingly to his face, I wonder for a second what he’s doing before he pulls off his mask revealing…”Adam?” I gasp, no, no it can’t be. He smiles sadly at me, I drop my sword. He takes a shaky breath “I’ve always known who you were.” I walk over to him and drop to my knees. The Hero, my enemy, is Adam. My little brother. The one I’ve been trying to protect all these years from bad, bad people. “Why…?” I ask “You were always gone,” He takes another shaky breath. “I just wanted to spend time with you…so I became this…” I stare at him in disbelief. “But…” I say “I did this…for you”

He shakes his head, barely able to keep himself up. “Just because you think you have a good reason, doesn’t mean what you do is good” He falls forward, leaning on me now. “Hold on, Adam!” I say panicking, I lay him down and put pressure on his wound, around the sword still in his abdomen.

“I don’t-“ I choke out “I don’t know what to do- I’m sorry Adam, I’m so sorry.” I start to cry

How, _how could I have done this? _He just smiles at me “It’s okay…hey, at least we got to spend some time together, right?” I crock out a sob of a laugh. He breathing becomes harder and harder, until it stops. I lean forward, and put my head on his chest, and cry. No, sob, I sob my eyes out. Heart breaking in a million different pieces. _Maybe I Am The Villain _















I jolt up, eyes flying open.

No, it couldn’t be.

I lay my head back down on his chest, listening.






_Thump _





I sit up again. He takes a breath. Then another, and another. I laugh. Then there’s banging and voices. But I don’t care, my brother is _alive._


I feel someone grab me from behind, dragging me away as I laugh historically. They probably think I’m insane. But I’m laughing out a joy, _pure joy._


I hear_ a _nurse rush over to Adam, I try and look and see what’s happening, but there’s to many police officers in my way. I just hope, _pray _they can help him. I hear one of the nurses call out “He’s alive!” Then “He’ll be okay, but we need to get him to the hospital right now!” I breathe a sigh of relief, he’s okay. He’s going to be_ okay._


Sure, I’m definitely going to jail. And I’m probably the worst big brother there is. But I’m going to change, I’m going to be better, I’m not going to be the villain anymore. for Adam. Because he deserves better. And _he’s okay._










The end.

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