The space between stars is best described as...
The space between stars, the blackness, isn’t nothing. It’s potential space, and held together by gravity, the accumulated force of the weight and motion of all the bodies rotating and ricocheting through space. It positively thrums with energy.
Before Einstein, it was believed that this blackness was the Aether, the invisible force which sustains the universe. Einstein and others disproved this Aether, finding it was necessary to explaining gravitation and motion in the universe. Yet there’s more than can be explained by Einsteinian physics…
Particles seem to be entangled, at a distance which defies the speed of light. They exhibit strange properties, as if their true movements hinges on structures and movements beyond what gravitation could predict. The second half of Einstein‘s career was spent in denial of Quantum Physics and its effects, the context of his famous “God does not play dice with the universe” quote.
All of this background has become desperately relevant because of what’s happening on earth now. The sun is frying us. Human life won’t be able to survive more than a few more generations. The ice caps are melting, the seas are rising, and we have no place to go.
We need to reach into the blackness. If we can contact another intelligence, or find a way to travel to another galaxy with habitable planets, it’s the only way we can survive. This planet will be our tomb if we don’t go out there.
I hesitate to tell you this, but the Blackness has been speaking to me. I know it sounds insane. But the revelations I’ve received at night have translated into miraculous breakthroughs in mathematics and physics. The problems I’ve solved have long ago been given up for impossibility.
There’s another Earth. It’s on the other side of the galaxy. It’s fresh and uninhabited, and we can go there. All that we will need is a portal, and the Blackness has explained to me how to build one.
Of course, there’s a drawback. A leap of faith is required. Our physical bodies can’t make the transition to the new Earth. Only our consciousness can be transported as information. We must sacrifice our lives here to be reborn there.
How will we get new bodies there? At first we’ll be energy beings, floating in a cloud of potential above the planet. We will maintain our personalities as long as we want to, with the technology I have.
Once we have invested the energy into the planet, life will begin to evolve. Proteins will emerge, single celled organisms, becoming more complex with generations. Once life can become humanoid, and a cerebrum can accommodate consciousness, we will descend and incarnate ourselves as a new human species.
The technology will remain on our patent earth, broadcasting with devices that can survive any cataclysm. We will be immortal, and when we have our new bodies, we can recreate our societies.
So come, join me, and let’s embrace the Blackness. We have nothing to lose but these frail decaying forms.