Write a story from the perspective of an immortal pet as it is passed down through a family's generations.
K-9 Reflects (a Dr. Who Fanfic)
Always the same master, but different faces, different ways that they talk.
It can make a robot dog crazy if he thinks too hard about it.
Time is relative, I was told, and I’m a good dog so I don’t complain.
I do not know who I miss the most. The scarf man, for sure. Always praising me. Had room in his pockets for jelly babies and my biscuits.
One after the other. The celery on jacket. The silly clothed one after that. For a long time I was kept in a corner of the Tardis while no one used me. That was a sad time.
I miss the human the most. Sarah Jane. I would do anything for her. She did not regenerate like the Doctor does. She just went away and hasn’t come back.