Star About To Fall

The stars were what she liked about the sky,

Jewels pinned against an endless, velvet night.

Each one a spark that caught her drifting eye,

A piece of distant beauty, cold and bright.

She’d sit for hours, lost beneath their glow,

Dreaming up constellations of her own,

Mapping her wishes in the world below,

A silent dialogue with the unknown.

But then, one night, the stars began to fall,

Streaking down like tears across her gaze,

Breaking apart like a scattered crystal ball,

Their light dissolving in the smoky haze.

She watched as darkness swallowed up the sky,

The empty vastness pressing in, so close,

The world now dim where it was once so high,

The stars, her guiding lights, her fading ghosts.

And in that shadowed space, she felt a chill,

A loss that hung like silence in the air,

The universe, no longer calm and still,

Had left her in its void, alone and bare.

Yet even as the night grew dark and deep,

She held on to the memory of their light,

For though the stars no longer shined, their leap

Had filled her with a fire that warmed the night.

So with her eyes now closed, she made a vow,

To keep their glow alive within her heart,

To seek the beauty in the here and now,

And know that endings are another start.

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