Write a poem where the first line of each stanza uses internal rhyme.

Internal rhyme is where words within the same line, or in the middle of different lines, rhyme with each other (not the last word of each line rhyming). e.g. 'I let you see a side of me that isn't seen often'.


We were friends once and now we have met our end. I let you go peacefully because you still ment the world to me. But instead of doing the same you added on to my pain. Trying to rip all of my other friends away even though you knew that at the end of the day you would break me. That's the thing though, you didn't care; you just kept insaulting me. Its not fair because I was the one who held your hand when you were sad. And I was the one who would stand up for you when nobody else would. Instead of returning my loyalty you did everything in your power to hurt me. You called me ugly and prayed upon all my fears. You hurt me in a way that not a lot of people have done. So its over, but I'm glad that you had your fun.
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