Beautiful Mistakes

Today’s the day!! Oh my god I’m so excited. I’ve already gotten Johns parents to lead the swans the right way and set up the tent. Oh this day COULDNT get any better! The bands already in place, I just have to pick up the soon-to-be fiancé. Which exit did he say to meet him at again? 5th or 6th-oh wait! There he is! “Hi, hon! How was work?” His skin is so soft to kiss and he always smells like roses. “Tiring and dreadful. All of my patients needed my assistance all day so I was juggling 5 people at once and a surgery didn’t go as planned so Judie, remember her? She’ll be staying for a bit longer...” “I’m sorry, babe...I wish your day was better...” I bet I can fix that! “It’s okay. I just want to go home and take a nap though. No excitement, no craziness, just cuddles and tv!” Hmm...this isn’t going exactly how I imagined...maybe I should reschedule. Let me just text his parents real quick- “what was that one show I wanted to watch with you? Addy, are you listening?” “Yeah, sorry. It was Grey’s Anatomy, remember?” “Right! We have to- what are my parents doing at the house...?” They got my message about the swans and band, so why are they still here? “Oh! I invited them over for lunch and I was going to pick you up to surprise you! But now that you’ve had a bad day, we can just have a quick lunch then kick them out.” He may be exhausted but his smile is too sweet. “At least fix your hair, John!” I push his sandy blonde out of his face to reveal his hazel eyes, before I peck him on the cheek a few more times before getting out of the car. “Addy, watch out!” We open the doors and geese attack our legs. We shut the doors immediately and sit in shock. “What the hell was that?” Shit...I check my phone and I never sent the message. “Sorry, Addy! We couldn’t get the swans for today so we went with the next best thing!” “Babe, what are they talking about?!-“ suddenly, a mariachi band comes from behind the neatly tripped hedges with signs that say congratulations. “Addison, if you don’t explain to me what the hell is going on in 3 seconds, I’m going to open this door and murder this goose.”

There’s this weird stinging beginning in my eyes. I’m already embarrassed out of my mind because I should’ve done this on a day he was in a good mood but even if, this is an absolute train wreck. Warm tears start to fall off of my cheeks until I feel a hand on my cheek. “Babe, what’s going on?” “I’m so sorry, John...I was- I was trying to propose and this...this wasn’t how it was supposed to go- this is just a hot mess!!” I hit my head on the steering wheel, hocking the horn and scaring the guitarist in front of the car. Suddenly, small snickers turn into heartfelt laughs. I look over at John, wiping tears from his eyes and practically choking from laughing too hard. “Addy, this was a cute idea but not the most romantic!!”

I couldn’t help but smile a little while sniffling. “It was cuter in my head but we didn’t have the proper funding apparently...and you’re not in the mood for excitement.”

“Well, this made my day so thank you for this.” John grabbed my chin and brought me in for a sweet, tender kiss. He turned himself to face me then raised an eyebrow. “So are you going to propose, or what?”

I scoff then go to grab the ring from my pocket but it’s not there! I frantically look around while John starts to cackle some more until I look out the window and see the ring had dropped on the driveway, heavily guarded by an angry goose.

“Who needs a ring anyway?” John teases while turning me back to him. “Just start whenever you’re ready!” I look him in the eyes and just said the words, rolling off of my tongue. “John will you marry me?”

“Yes, I will! I give this whole experience a 4 out of 10, though!”

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