Are They Looking At Me!?

**“Are they looking at me,” Lana questioned her heads voice deafening. **


“They are looking at me,” she says. “They see me crying at a piece of paper, they must thing I’m so weird,” Lana’s heads voice exclaimed. Lana looks down at the earth science quiz paper soaked in her salty tears. She feels her chest tightening like someone is grasping her heart. Her legs start shaking rapidly. Her desk is now shaking becuse of her bodies response. She soon lets out a horrendous crying sound; that is a mix of barely being able to talk or breath with sharp breaths and sounds of crying. Her teacher tells her to go outside in the hallway to calm down it’s that bad. Lana starts wondering,”what did I do wrong? I was just crying.” She never understands why this happens. But Lana can’t help but feel dissatisfied at herself.

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