“I really can’t stand you.”
“Then why are you still listening to me?”
Write a short story that features this piece of dialogue.
Best Friends
Krissa is a girl. She’s alright I guess. I don’t know, there’s not a lot more to say about her. She talks so much it’s almost annoying… scratch that, it’s very annoying.
But we’re friends.
I guess.
“… so me and Jenna were talking and I was like OH MY GOSH he’s so crazy I mean how could he possible dump her… Jay are you even listening to me? My story is very important!” Krissa says pouting.
“I really can’t stand you.”
“Then why are you still listening?” She said with a sly grin.
“I’m not.” I lied. I do listen, but I’d never tell her that. She’s my only real… friend.
“Hey Jay? Can I tell you something…?” She fiddles with her cuticles.
“You’re going to even if I say No, so go ahead.”
“I.. I kinda like you.”
“I mean, yeah, we’re friends or whatever.”
“No.. I really like you.. not as a friend.”
I didn’t know what to say, so I didn’t say anything.
“Please respond you’re scaring me!” She starts biting her nails, a nervous habit she quit years ago.
“I don’t know what that feels like, you’re my first friend so I don’t know what more than a friend would feel like.” I shrug, I say that but I do know. You just… know.
“Oh.. ok.” She looks deflated, I can’t stand it.
“Kiss me.”
“… what?” She looks confused, I can’t blame her, I’m confused as to why I said that too.
“Kiss me.. please.”
I expect her to protest or just look confused, but she doesn’t. Instead, she places her hand on my cheek, leans forward, and kisses me. Her hand was warm on my cheek, her lips were soft against mine. She’d kissed guys before and I knew it, but I’d never kissed a girl, or anyone for that matter. Just the thought made me pull away and back up.
“Hey… what’s wrong?” She asked gently. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
“I…” I turned and walked away. That was a week ago, I haven’t talked to her since. She didn’t follow me, so she doesn’t want me. Simple as that.