Your protagonist was just revived.

Write a story centered around the main character coming back to life.

Storyline 12

Storyline 12 The guards holding myself and Liam were too busy with the massive lightning, wind, and smoke to notice we broke free of our bonds. Smashing their faces in I tried to run to Elena's side but the cyclone of wind was too much. Giant crackles of lightning danced across the throne room floor from its center. One final one thundered out narrowly missing Anton as he stood in front of the King's throne cracking the padded stone in two. The cyclone had stopped and the smoke cascaded around everyone. I searched for her but the smoke was too thick. Her companion had emerged healed and in a new form. I couldn't believe my eyes, she was dead a minute ago. “Elena!” I called to her as the smoke around her still body cleared. : Theo, get Elena into the waters, they will heal her.: called her companion to my mind. : How are you speaking to me?: : You and Elena are bonded and now so are we. Same with your companion and Elena. We can discuss it later. Get her to the pool.: I nodded and ran to Elena’s side. My mind raced at the thought of them coming back to life. Though with the way our companions can control the elements, revival could be possible. It was possible given seeing her companion alive and in a different form. I checked Elena’s chest, It didn't feel like she was breathing. Liam helped me pick her up and walk her to the water pool a few feet away. As I held her lifeless body in the small pool in the throne room I prayed her companion was correct in that the waters would revive her. She used all her strength and energy to revive her companion after she was attacked by king Anton’s creature. That massive energy drain left her lifeless. Her anemia usually left her weak if she exerted herself too much but this was much worse. The seconds that passed felt like hours, i watched her face but nothing came back. I leaned in to whisper to her to come back to me, that i loved her and didnt want to live with out her. The water began to glow around us, some vines from below rose and took a hold of her from my arms pulling her under. Seconds passed again as i searched for her under the waters surface. The glow was too bright to see down. More seconds passed then she emerged from the water gasping for air. I caught her and held her close as she regained herself. Her eyes met mine and she smiled, then they darted around the room, “Where’s my companion?” “Shes more then fine Elena, look over there.” I said moving her to the edge of the pool. Liam helped her out as i got up and out of the pool. She stared at her conpanions new form flying in the air and fighting Anton’s creature in the throne room. :Feeling better?: asked her pet. :Im fine. Are you ok?: :More then ok. Now get up here and help me defeat this thing! We are stronger together!: I could hear their thoughts to one another clear as day. So could my companion. With the other guards help he was out of the cage and ready to fight.
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