Submitted by Petit-Mythe

Write a short dystopian story about a world trying to be perfect, but one person hasn’t been brainwashed like the rest.


When something went wrong in the past, you would soon forget about it or move on. That’s what I was taught back in school and by the therapist I once had.

But how do I forget all my friends and family getting me killed and them as well. How do I forget the people once pertecting us, now slowly destroying us . And though I remember it as well as a boy would remember to ride a bike, everyone that I swore was with me forgets.

That or perhaps lying to me.

The people protecting us were the Yellonreo’s. A military who kept people like us in the sky, far away from the dying earth.

In least that what they did but why does everyone forget, like it never happened.

Is the whole world lying to me?

And am I alone?

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