
I often wonder how much my people like me. It’s not easy being king. It’s not easy being responsible for the success or downfall of a country.

I have absolute power. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want, to or with whoever I want. I know this is dangerous. I saw what absolute power did to my father. The people hated him. He was an awful king, filled with greed and corruption.

I don’t want to be anything like him. I loved my father, but he was a disgrace to our family name.

I want my people to love me. I want to go down in history as the greatest king the world has ever seen. But how? That’s the question that keeps me up at night. How do I do what’s best for my country. How do I know what’s best for my country? How do I know if I’m making the right decisions? How do I know who to trust and who to avoid?

There’s no books on this. No classes, no guides. Just a throne and a crown.

I’d like to think I’m a good man, but how would I know. I haven’t met very many good men. My father certainly wasn’t one, but my grandfather; people say he was a great king. I don’t remember him very well, I was very young when he passed.

I do however remember one thing he told me. “Power is like fire. If used carefully and wisely, it can light up a dark path. But if used foolishly, can destroy everything it touches.”

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