"Everybody wants to judge, but nobody wants to listen."

Write about a character who is going through a typically stigmatised situation. As an added challenge, try to write from the perspective of the opposite gender to yourself.

Dem Nails Girl

They never believed me when i tell them. At first it was sweet, but now it was simply aggravating.

“Yes it really is my visit card. No I am not faking. If you really don’t believe me then come and see and I promise you I’m better than most.”

She stares.

The last sentence always works like a charm to pulls them in. People love holding their ground and proving others wrong.

“Well fine then. I will. Tomorrow. Your got a free appointment at 4;30?”

“I do in fact. See ya then.”

I turn around and continue to the next girl.

What’s my job you ask? I’m a nail artist. Why does no one believe me ? I’m a 6 foot 2, ripped black Afroamerican with tattoos going up my arms.

Of course they never believe me.

She comes actually.

I’m surprised.

My only clientele so far are old friends from Ma who decided to support me after the opening.

And even though I love them to death them old grandmas already talked my ear off with their stories.

We go through the procedure of choosing the color, the form, and the style. She side eyes me the whole time. The side eying gives way to astonishment when I finally begin. I smirk. That’s it. Have her in my pocket.

We go through the procedure in silence until she starts to talk how unusual it is and how surprised she is. I can see that she’s biting down a question.

“Just ask already.” I tell her when I’m coating her index finger in pick nail polish.

“Why a nail saloon ? I mean it with bow offence it just seems …. So .. unique ?”


A sigh escapes me.

Of course that would be her question.

But I don’t mind that much.

“My Ma always wished that she could open her nail saloon before she passed away. She always practiced on me and sometimes showed me how to do it. I guess I’m just continuing her dream.”

I put her hand down. Nearly finished.

Then I notice that she’s really still so I look up.

There are tears welling up in her eyes. I panicked a bit not having expected to cause such an emotional reaction, but she just shrugs them off.

“That’s so beautiful.”

I redden a bit.

In the following days I get ten more new clients.

Maybe this business will actually work out.

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