Write a story about the invention of a new word.

Think about why the word was needed, who might have thought of the new word, and how you might describe the thing it denotes.


Pepquackery: who doesn’t know what a pepquackery is. They are so friendly, and the babies are so cute. Honestly a friend for life. Off course some people are allergic to the feathers. Which Is sad. Some people are allergic to the fur. Which is also sad. Truly a nightmare to be bared from befriending one. I of course have 3 of them. One named sprinkles, one named Ghost because she’s hairless and translucent.and lastly FieFia who’s my gigapepquackery. ———————————————————- Pepquackery: a pepquackery is a large feathered lizard like duck. The average pepquackery is about the same size as a kangaroo. Some are small enough to fit on one’s shoulders. Some more so match the size of a school bus. The smaller breeds of pepquackerys have this distinct difference from there larger counter parts. That being the ones under two feet tall have hollow bones thus making them more fragile of critter but they can flutter and jump nearly three stories high. A pepquackery likes to sleep as low to the ground as possible. Some even learned to burrow. Why is still a mystery. Overall a pepquackery is one of if not the most docile and friendly creature discovered to date. Though more research is necessary they are safe to be around humans.
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