Inspired by Kail Cleo
Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).
Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.
The Journey
December 20, 5027
this is 71st day of this treacherous journey. Mark has been encouraging me to start writing about the days as he has just in case something happens to us out here.
the violent winds and cold weather isn’t helping with the fact that food is scarce. it’s just scaring all of the potential prey away.
today we saw a flock of birds migrating to a warmer place. i wish i would fly away to warmth and joy just as they do.
anyways, todays just like the 70 others. searching for food and shelter. i don’t know why King Theodore sent us out here. it’s not like what we’re looking for is even real.
December 23, 5027
no sign of the pigion tailed flying whale. King sent me and Mark, the worlds two weakest men to send out to a freezing cold place with no shelter. he didn’t even supply us with anything.
ever since the explosion 200 years ago, the world has became a run down horror movie.
December 25, 5027
christmas hasn’t been celebrated in 600 years. apparently today would be that day judging by pictures found on “cell phones”. i wonder what it would be like to have a phone.
today Mark and i finally found a dead rat. i hope it’s not poisonous because honestly we just ate it raw.
December 30, 5027
i don’t know where Mark is. if u find this i need help. we sighted the pigion tailed flying whale. King said not to make eye contact with it, Mark did. I fainted and woke up in a strange land and Mark is gone.
please send help. im leaving this journal under a tree. if you find this, just know Mark was a strong man. he was a fighter and loved his family. don’t let his legacy be forgotten.
April 18, 9056
My name is 79812-67 project 75. I found this journal in my Mom’s attic, I wonder who Mark is. Such a strange name. I think I may take this and make it my journal now. I don’t know we’ll see.
April 20, 9056
Well I decided to make this journal mine! Today when I flew to the House and they plugged me into the simulator it felt different. Sometimes I get tired of being experimented on. My Mom says it’s something we all have to go through in this world. I don’t know it’s getting stranger and stranger seeing how the world used to be vs how it is now.
Maybe someday it will stop, it just seems like a wrong of living. It gives me weird dreams too.
May 14, 9056
It’s been a while, things have changed. I got taken away from mom and now even more experiments are being done on me. Sometimes when I’m not at the House people will run away and yell a strange name at me. “VAMPIRE” they shout.
Yesterday someone even tried to grab me and pull me into the back of their car. I don’t know, I just miss my mom. Sometimes I feel safer and the House.
79812-67 project 75 has been taken away. She knows she shouldn’t be writing about her experiences. She’s in a safer place now.
-The Guardian