Sisters Boyfriend

“Harper?” Ellie, My sister yelled walking through the door way. “I’m in here” I said walking out of the kitchen into the entrance hall to see my sister looking tired and weary from her day at work. “There’s food, it’s nothing big and it may need heated up but i tried.” I smiled and turned around and went quickly up the steps. “Thanks harp!” She yelled tossing her nursing text books on the floor with her bags.


I sat in my room a minute before my phone rang. It’s lilah, my sisters best friend. Why is she calling me, again. I only have her number because she had to pick me up from school like a year ago, whatever. “Hello?” I say confused. “Hey, its-“ she said hesitantly, “I know who you are” I say. “I umm, I seen you the other day with jack” who cares! Why is she so worried about me! “Umm ok and?” “It makes sense because that’s my sister’s boyfriend and I was with my sister that day, I was third wheeling who cares?” God she’s so annoying, if anyone is obsessed with my sister’s boyfriend it’s her, she never stops, literally ever. “Ok ok I’m just staying everytime your sister posts pictures of her and him your always like there, like you guys like each other or something, it’s weird, he like eighteen anyways and your how old?” I was 15 so if something was going on between us, which it isn’t, the age gap isn’t that bad! “Listen nothing’s happening lilah I promise, i honestly hate her boyfriend, he’s weird, mean, and not even attractive, So stop worrying about it, ok?” “Yeah Wtv” she says hanging up. Really! Me stealing my eighteen year old sister’s boyfriend. Her ugly, mean, self absorbed boyfriend. No-thank-you.

~2 days later~

The door bell rang. “Coming” I yelled from my room wondering who it was. I open the door and there he is. Jack. “She isn’t home right now, don’t you guys communicate? She had nursing classes today, bye bye” I say giving him a gesture to leave. “That’s not what I was here for Harp” he says, his deep voice annoyed me. And why on earth was he calling me Harp? The only people who call me that is my mom and Ellie. “Umm then what _do _you want?” I asked annoyingly, his muscular structure towering over me. It gave me the _ick_. “Have you happened to have talked to Lilah recently?” O-M-G. Why can’t she stay in her own business. It’s like her life is so miserable she makes up stuff for the plot! “Lilah’s a bi- she’s a dusch, are you seriously gonna believe a word she says jack?” He walks insdie without permission and steps closer to me, I can feel his body heat on mine. “We’ve been hanging out for awhile now and maybe she’s right Harp, maybe you have been hanging on me everytime you third wheel with us.” Ok for one not true at all, I don’t hang on anyone and stop calling me Harp! I don’t say that though. “Umm I wasn’t hanging on you, I don’t like you jack, not even as a friend. I was just telling lilah about how mean and self absorbed you are, why would I like you, plus your eighteen, I’m fifteen, that’s weird, your not my type, well your not anyone’s type, your just ugly, that’s all there is to it, ugly. Inside and out.” I was ranting, what was going on? *Jack steps closer to me to mess with me, he places his large hands on my hips* A shocked expression fills my eyes as I back up. “What are you doing jack? Im telling my sister everything!” He cut me off by putting his hand over my neck. “Don’t tell her a thing.” What does he not understand! “Jack I _don’t_ like you” i push away but he immediately grabs me back. “Stop denying it harp” my face is flushed, what is he doing to me. “your questioning it now aren’t you” he says, his lips against my cheeks. Oh shoot, what have I done.

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