Sexy Sand Creatures

It’s amazing, really, a human’s ability to carve out a safe and comfortable space for themself in the midst of utterly inhospitable environments. As part of Life On Earth, humans wound up in some of the most unpleasant, hostile environments you could think of. And yet, with the help of other humans, they would inevitably find a way to create shelter, to harvest food and animals (bugs included), to create some sort of hierarchy that served the community. Some people would hunt, some would build, some would farm, and some would prepare food.

Preston was a human who grew up in an extremely safe and comfortable space. Affluent parents who gave him maybe not necessarily everything he needed, but everything he wanted. If he were to find himself plopped down in a strange land, he wouldn’t feel TOO stressed out because he has a phone, and connections, and money, and lots and lots of credit cards.

He always found himself fascinated when crowds of people gathered in high deserts like Joshua Tree to have parties. It looked so transcendental, so euphoric and magical and natural and special. Good looking young people wearing crochet vests, vegan leather sandals, John Lennon sunglasses, strategically torn leggings. Listening to music, dancing, doing whatever kinds of drugs, drinking, and having lots of sex.

Up until now, Preston had only seen these events on TV and in movies. He lived in Minnesota, nowhere close to any atmospheric and sexy high mountain deserts. But he decided that it was time to change that. Making heavy use of those credit cards, he booked a space, rented a giant RV, had someone gather and prepare and pack up all the necessities and goodies they could find. And he called his friends. Some of them weren’t even his friends, rather, people he wanted to like him.

Preston and twenty others hopped in that RV one summer day and drove all the way out to Plano Lago, California, a relatively unknown desert area. He didn’t want to go to Joshua Tree National Park, where there would doubtlessly already be LOADS of young people gathering to be fashionable and have fun. He wanted to go off the beaten path, where no one had ever partied before.

And so here he was, his plan had been a success. There was a giant, white, canvas tent set up, surrounded by fashionable string lights, and even a dance floor area set up. There were coolers full of food and champagne. There were electric fans places throughout, powered by a bunch of generators that were so quiet you forgot they were there. Three stand-up tests were scattered across the area for Preston and co. to sleep or have sex in when the time came. There was a huge fire pit surrounded by rocks and sturdy branches to sit on. Preston would have to give this party planner a huge tip.

Most importantly there was a massive sound system. A Bluetooth speaker that boomed across the dance floor. They used it, they loved it. They drank and danced and did some drugs. They laughed and admired each other’s fashions. They took so, so many pictures with their phones. Lots of duck lips and peace signs. They sang along with the music, and jumped up and down on the laminate dance floor. As the night went on the music only got louder, became the center of their desert party universe.

Preston didn’t even wonder if there were any other people or homes in the vicinity. He knew there wouldn’t be. And even if there were, he didn’t care because they were leaving him alone. He did wonder, just for a moment, if anyone else out there in the night could hear his music, or if they were the only humans able to experience it at that moment. It felt special, secluded, exclusive.

He found himself sitting by the fire, making out with a girl named Jenny from his statistics class. Their blood pumped in their ears, along with the techno dance bass from the speakers. Their hands were all over each others skin, their tongues intertwining. And about a mile away a giant sand worm was starting to make its way underground to find the source of all that bass. The hair on its long, scaly body picked up the vibrations and excited its little worm brain, made it feel extra ravenous.

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