Inspired by Breanna Lynn

A character who is suffering has to keep their composure in front of others.

Write a story involving this scenario. You don't have to reveal why the character is suffering, but try to think of a situation where they would have to conceal their feelings.

Dark Matter [ I ]

The walls of Ginsberg Junior High seemed to close in on Will as he struggled to get to his next class. It was room 13, just down the hall and to the right. It shouldn’t be too hard. He tightened his arms around his binder as the blood started dripping from the ceiling. His heartbeat quickened along with his pace. The students gave him odd looks as he passed. He closed his eyes and told himself it was just another vision. It should go away in a few seconds. Then Will bumped into something-someone- he realized as his eyes flew open and scanned the person in front of him.

Oh, shit.

Will smiled awkwardly and apologized. It was his hallway crush. The boy had wavy brown hair and a white v-necked shirt.

The cute boy smirked at Will, ‘You know, you shouldn’t walk in the hallways with your eyes closed.’

His cheeks burned, and he mumbled ‘I know.’

Then Will’s gaze drifted over the boy’s shoulder at the blood that was now slowly covering the floor. Creeping towards him.

No. No. No.

Will mumbled another apology and began to walk towards it. It wasn’t real, it couldn’t be. No one had the red liquid stuck to the soles of their shoes. He stopped at the slowly moving border.

Then he took a step. People were whispering at his strangeness, and he could feel tears burn his eyes. He couldn’t cry, not now. He took a deap breath and began to make his way to the classroom. He tried to ignore the squish at the bottom of his shoes.

He was almost there. Five more steps.

He made it. Will walked into the classroom, and everyone was staring at him. The teacher was scowling. His heart fell into his stomach.

‘You’re late Mr. Willow,’ the teacher said darkly. Will quickly took his seat and pulled out his books from his bag. He could feel the other student’s eyes burning holes into him.

He felt a tear escape and fall down his cheek. He wiped it away quickly and cursed himself. There was still that sickening wet feeling in his shoes, and he hesitantly looked down.

They were red. A deep wine red that went up almost to his ankles.

Will looked up and tried to pay attention to the teacher, but it was almost as if the blood on his feet began to spreading up his legs. He felt nauseous.

He raised his hand, trying to keep his arm from trembling. The teacher called on him, and he asked to go to the restroom. She muttered something under her breath, and guestured for Will to leave.

He stood up, his chair making an embarrassing sound. The teacher grimaced and glared at him with a furious gleam in her eye.

Will practically ran out of the classroom. He sped walked down the hall to the mens room, and rushed into an empty stall. He then threw up his breakfast, then when he thought he was done he backed away from the toilet. He looked down, forgetting his shoes, and saw that the blood was almost up to his knees. He threw up again, almost certain an organ or two came up with it, and whimpered.

He heard a soft knock on the door of his stall. Will froze. ‘Um. Are you okay?’

Fuck. It was him.

Will looked aroung the stall for anything sharp he could stab himself with. Unsuccessful, he laughed humorlessly. ‘I’m fine.’

The boy sighed, and opened the door and looked down at my curled up form.

With a raised eyebrow he said, ‘That’s definitely not what I see.’

Will gave him a forced smile. ‘I. Am. Perfectly. Fine.’

The boy just gave him a genuine smile and held out a hand. ‘Lets get you cleaned up, shall we?’

‘I don’t need your help.’

‘Well I need to help you.’

Will narrowed his eyes at him. ‘Please leave’

He just shook his head, his hand still outstretched.

‘Fuck you.’

His smile just widened. ‘Good luck with that.’

Now Will was annoyed for more than one reason.

He sighed and took the boys waiting hand. He couldn’t help but realize just how nice it felt. He shook the thought away and pulled his hand from the his.

Will washed the bit of throw up from his shirt, and then considered washing his shoes and socks, but didn’t want to weird the boy out. Then he realized the blood was fading. It was at the top of his calves now. He sighed in relief.

‘What’s your name?’ the boy asked him.

‘Willow, but call me Will.’

‘Cool. I’m Arthur, but call me Artie.”

Will smiled at the nickname, then he remembered he was supposed to be annoyed at the boy.

‘ I’ll see you around,’ he said before rushing out of the bathroom.


I might write more thats why it has [ I ]

Hopefully you didn’t hate it :> (i didnt have time to edit)

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