Our Last Dance

You gentle words

Turned harsh

I never thought


Why would you

Say such a thing

Cutting me

With all your words

So tonight

I’ll get my spade

Dig our grave

You know it’s time

So wipe your tears


It’s time

Even though you made your promises

It’s hopeless

So let’s have our last dance

Let us die

Cause this is our last night

So look me in the eyes

As we cry

Cause it’s our last night

This is over

Through our own doings

You know it’s so

Cause you made so many promises

And never

Kept any of them

And oh how i believed you

How you promised

To be mine

To care

To never

Let that cruel darkness out

But it’s hopeless

Tonight’s our last night

Cause it’s obvious

We’re not meant to be.
