The Girl

Her name was Kayla, now it’s unspeakable. A moment in time where life stopped and the world stopped spinning for seven years. We had it all, a home, the love, the ambiance of one another. It wasn’t enough. She wouldn’t cook dinner till late and I was starving. She would go out with friends and leave me alone, she would ask if I wanted to join but I never did. Not a bad person, but parties a lot and is always busy. She never had time for me. We’d spend nights cuddling and loving but she hated how I hate snacks in bed. She loves me immensely but I continued to get drunk and be horrible to her. It was toxic and unhealthy at the end. I had to move to Texas and she wanted to stay to be with her brother. I tried to understand but I couldn’t. I’ll reach out to her then I won’t respond. I miss her so much, but I don’t think about it. It’s been four months and I am so busy with school, and have no time for her. However, when I’m free I’m free and will wish upon her to come back, but I know it’s only selfish to want her sometimes and not all the time.

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