
(Just a short diologue that Iโ€™m sure all of u with friends can relate to..)

BFF 1:} โ€œOh my god, heโ€™s so hot!โ€

BFF 2:} โ€œSure . . .โ€

BFF 1:} โ€œHe has a great personality too!โ€

BFF 2:} โ€œ. . . Youโ€™ve never even talked to him.โ€

BFF 1:} โ€œOk, but like I bumped into him on accident and I was like โ€˜Oh, sorry,โ€™ and he was like โ€˜Naw itโ€™s cool.โ€™โ€

BFF 2:} โ€œSo because he said a three word statement, youโ€™ve decided his whole personality?โ€

BFF 1:} โ€œโ€”not decided. _Concluded_.โ€

BFF 2:} โ€œIโ€™m still hearing the same thing.โ€

BFF 1:} โ€œUgh, you just donโ€™t get it!โ€

BFF 2:} โ€œNo, no I really donโ€™t. You donโ€™t know him.โ€

BFF 1:} โ€œBut I do, though!โ€

BFF 2:} โ€œElaborate.โ€

BFF 1:} โ€œI watch him andโ€”โ€

BFF 2:} โ€œThis just took a turnโ€”โ€

BFF 1:} โ€œLet me finish!โ€

BFF 2:} โ€œOkay, geez . . .โ€

BFF 1:} โ€œSometimes Iโ€™ll _look his way _and heโ€™ll be laughing with his friends a whole lot, which means heโ€™s hilarious. And I saw him high-five a kid from preschool, which means heโ€™s good with kids!โ€

BFF 2:} โ€œFirst off, you canโ€™t have gathered all that from those two circumstances. Second, that kid from preschool was his brother, and heโ€™d just told him to cuss out his teacher.โ€

BFF 1:} โ€œHow do you know unless you watch him too?โ€

BFF 2:} โ€œLiterally everybody was talking about it at school . . .โ€

BFF 1:} โ€œShit, nevermind, he has a girlfriend . . .โ€

BFF 2:} โ€œHe just got one now?โ€

BFF 1:} โ€œWell, someone just texted me saying he was texting this girl for a whole two hours last night.โ€

BFF 2:} โ€œIโ€™ve texted you for _more_ than two hours straight.โ€

BFF 1:} โ€œThatโ€™s different. Youโ€™re my friend.โ€

BFF 2:} โ€œ . . . โ€ [ mind: _thatโ€™s exactly my point _]

BFF 1:} โ€œDamn, I lost my chance. Shit.โ€

BFF 2:} โ€œYouโ€™re hopeless . . . โ€

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