Human souls are part of a pattern too large to see in each individual. Together, we form something greater than we can imagine.
Write a poem based on this idea. It can be loosely related, but should focus on the theme of individuals vs. togetherness.
Do you ever wonder why trim-trails in the sky requires someone to be by your side?
And why you can’t cross that bridge from ridge to ridge without someone holding your hand just a smidge?
Or do you not understand that the hand your holding is giving you courage and strength,
That every step you take they’re right their behind you, at arms length
Your souls are joined so deeply and intensely you cannot fathom being in the treetops without them
The way their smile warms up your heart, as you start to be brave, and you’re no longer a slave to the anxiety and insecurity that comes hand in hand with loneliness because your soulmate is there to share the load
Two souls joined create fireworks to anyone who sees. The trust and ease you have together, melt you from the freezing ice inside yourself you get when you’re alone. I groan…
…because up in those treetops it’s scary and tall, and I’m not sure I want to do it at all, but then you appear and take my hand, and remind me I’m brave and that 2 souls will save me from what solitude had planned.