Write a description of a fireworks show as though observing it from above.
What is emphasised from the sky, and what goes unnoticed?
Write a description of a fireworks show as though observing it from above.
What is emphasised from the sky, and what goes unnoticed?
Clever idea. I want to know more about the cloud-dwellers!
Couple notes: I think it’s “story” not “storey.” It might be cool if, instead of Nicole being on the top story, she was on the bottom, closer to the earth and so better able to see the show. As though maybe the cloud dwellers build their floating mansions from the top down, so being lower was more prestigious. You could also play with this, the top-down angle, by changing “shooting up in a never-ending sequence” to something about how they get closer to her, getting bigger and louder as they approach (as opposed to those on terra firma, who see the rockets shooting away from them).
It might be fun to hint at how they know it’s July 4th. Is it in the future, and the cloud-dwellers are an off-shoot of land-dwellers that still use the same calendar, with a fading collective memory of living in America centuries prior? Or maybe Jackson is sneaking down to ground level when he’s not supposed to (how did he hear the word fireworks, Nicole wonders…?)
“It was like the humans manufactured their own brand of lightning” is a great phrase. And a great way to look at fireworks.
Overall, super-fun read. Nice work!