Rolling Ballade Pt.3/??

Read parts 1 & 2 first if you don’t understand the references.

“Let’s play again some time soon okay?” A young girl said waving back to a boy.

“Yes.” The boy smiled & waved back.

“I’m sorry sir, excuse me.” Decim said to a man laying down on a couch. The man looked up at Decim before sitting up on the couch.

“I hope you had a restful sleep.” Decim said. The boy looked around to see jellyfish & a big chandelier.

“What is this place?” The boy asked looking back at Decim.

“I’ll explain that in just a moment, if you step this way please.” Decim then jestered to the bar that a girl sat at. The girl had long brown hair & a pink outfit layered with black shorts. Decim walked over to the bar.

The man sat at the bar looking tense.

“How are you?” The girl beside him asked.

“Oh, I’m fine. Thanks…” Even though he just met the girl his eyes softened & he lost control of his gaze.

“What is it? Is something wrong?” The girl asked.

“No, I’m sorry. I’m just out of it.” He replied.

“Alright we shall begin.” Decim & the black haired girl bowed at the two.

“It is a pleasure to have you here in the Quindecim, my name is Decim I’ll be your bartender.” Decim said routinely.

“Moving on, I will now explain your current situation.” Decim stood with his arms at his side.

“Rule 1.” The black haired girl said.

“First, I can’t give you any information regarding your current location.” Decim said.

“Number 2.” The girl beside him said holding two of her fingers up.

“Now that you are here we ask you play a game.” Decim said.

“What… a game?” The boy asked.

“Number 3.” The black haired girl said.

“As to game selection that will be chosen by roulette.” Decim said and a roulette board dropped down but only the two sitting at the bar flinched.

“Number 4.” The girl beside Decim said.

“The stakes of the game are very high, your lives in fact.” Decim continued.

“Wow hold on!” The boy said.

“And number 5.” The black haired girl said.

“Don’t worry this is the final point. Until the game is completed you cannot leave here.” Decim said.

Like usual the two sitting at the bar tried the elevators to no avail.

“What’s with all this game stuff anyways? Doesn’t make much sense.” The boy said.

“Yeah…” The girl looked down at her hands.

“What’s the matter?” The boy asked.

“Well it’s just I don’t remember anything.” The girl said.

“Oh yeah I understand I can’t remember anything as well.” The boy said.

“No like I can’t remember anything at all. Nothing. I don’t even know who I am. It’s like I’ve forgotten everything about myself including my name.” The girl continued.

“You remember somethings right? Like your name.” The girl asked looking up at the boy.

“Yeah, I know my name is Shigeru Miura.” Shigeru said.

“Oh that’s good.” The girl said.

The two made their way back to the bar.

“I do believe you will recall your name while playing the game.” Decim said.

“How can you promise something like that!?” Shigeru asked.

“I’m afraid I cannot answer that.” Decim replied.

“Having no idea who I am is pretty scary. If playing the game helps I would like to play it but I have a feeling I can’t play alone.” The girl said looking at Shigeru.

“Fine, I’ll play.” Shigeru said crossing his arms.

“Now if I just have you press this button the roulette will begin.” The girl beside Decim said.

Shigeru presses the button. The roulette then commences, landing on bowling. The bar shifts to have a bowling lane & a lounge.

“The rules are the same as regular bowling with some changes. You will only bowl one ball per frame. You will you continue to play in an alterating pattern. Of course as you might expect whoever has more points at the end wins. The balls you will bowl with have already been selected.” The black haired girl said.

Just then two bowling balls appeared.

“They have representations of your hearts. The pink is yours, Shigeru, you’re bowling with her heart & the blue is your ball. Think of it as his heart inside it.” Decim’s assistant said.

“Very well the game will now begin.” Decim said.

Shigeru walked up to the bowling balls & puts his fingers in the holes. The heart inside the bowling ball then throbs in his hand.

“What?” The girl asked.

“The ball just throbbed!” Shigeru said looking back at Decim.

“Very sorry, we forgot to mention the balls are linked to your respective hearts.” Decim said bowing.

“They will register your pulses & your body heat.” Decim continued.

The boy looks back at the bowling ball & then stands up. He looks at the heart before putting his fingers inside.

So this is her heartbeat huh? It feels like it’s going fast. And… this is the heat of her body? The boy questioned in his mind.

No stop it you creep. Get out of it. He told himself before bowling the ball.

“Nice & relaxing game. It’s nice to have those every now & then.” The black haired girl said.

“What?” The girl asked noticing Decim turn his head.

“Nothing its nice to see you getting used to this.” Decim replied.

The two played a few frames before Shigeru stood in front of the girl.

“Can we make a side wager?” Shigeru asked the girl.

“What?” The girl replied.

“If I win, you go on a date with me.” Shigeru said.

“Too bad.” The girl beside Decim said.

“With the whole… already being dead thing. I feel bad for them” The girl whispered.

“Oh, I see.” Decim replied.

While the girl completed her turn a memory returned to her.

“I remember… I remember my name. I’m Chisato!” ‘Chisato’ smiled at Shigeru.

They continued to play and Shigeru ended up winning.

“My name… it’s.” ‘Chisato’ said.

“Congratulations, Mr. Miura.” Decim said.

“Tell me, are we both alredy dead?” Shigeru asked.

“Yes. Followin-” Decim said.

“You can stop there.” Shigeru said. He stood up & walked over to ‘Chisato’.

“Shigeru..” ‘Chisato’ began to speak.

“I know everything, Mai.” Shigeru said.

“Shigeru, I didn’t-“ Mai began to say.

“I still have a date to cailm don’t I?” Shigeru said.

“I’d be honoured if you would let me.” Mai said extending her hand.

“So,” Shigeru said turning to Decim. “Do we have the time for a date?”

“Yes I’m sure.” Decim bowed.

“I’m sure 5 minutes will be enough time.” Decim said.

“What are you crazy?!” The black haired girl said shaking Decim.

“I’m sorry, I was making a joke.” Decim said.

“O-oh.” The girl said. “Just so you now it wasn’t funny.”

Decim looked away trying not to show emotions.

The two friends enjoyed their time together. Before parting ways forever the two share a kiss. Only to finally part when they stepped into their seperate elevators. The elevators closed over their faces wet from tears.

“Reincarnation.” The girl nodded.

“Reunited with a childhood friend after dying, huh?” The girl asked as Decim cleaned up the bowling balls. “Hey, does the current Mai even look like Chisato?” The girl asked.

“Sorry that I do not know.” Decim replied.

There was a pause of silence.

“It’s very true what they say… people al lead seperate lives yet they become tangled up.” Decim said.

“True enough. And for that matter you may not even know after you die but then again that’s what makes it interesting right?”The black haired girl asked before bowling a ball down the lane and getting a strike.

“That was very impressive.” Decim said.

The black haired girl turned to Decim and smiled.

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