Thursday Mornings

It was the crack that let the light in, the imperfection that led to seeing with more 20/20 vision. And the seeing and being seen more clearly to say hello to different layers.

Sometimes it takes time. And sometimes when it doesn’t seem like time is needed, time continues to present itself like the best sidekick. The best sidekick who gently and at times effortlessly gets you to where you need to be.

It just took the right timing to see and be seen more clearly. And when you see and are seen more clearly, time freezes and it also seems to pass so quickly. Like you’re both frozen in it and like the hands of the clock are broken as they quickly spin.

And that’s what Thursday mornings were like. Early morning messy hair, no makeup, honest chats, and a balance in perspectives to hold it all. Seeing clearly. 20/20. With beautiful morning light being let in.

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