The Choice

It was a pretty average day at the bank until it wasn’t. Tim did not know where he was from, but felt confident that he was not from Earth. There was this instinct within him to protect others, down to the atom. He liked working st the bank because night-time is when he would go out and stop crime in progress. Over the last few weeks, Tim was getting closer to the head honcho of the local crime organization. Robbery, rape, extortion, bribery, arson, drug dealing, human trafficking and murder, all with his blessing. It was a pretty average day at the bank until it wasn’t. Tim did not know where he was from, but felt confident that he was not from Earth. There was this instinct within him to protect others, down to the atom. He liked working st the bank because night-time is when he would go out and stop crime in progress. Over the last few weeks, Tim was getting closer to the head honcho of the local crime organization. Robbery, rape, extortion, bribery, arson, drug dealing, human trafficking and murder, all with his blessing.

Well, this was the sixth place that Tim lived in since he awoke in a field 10 years ago. He always knew in his core that he was different however, he found out for certain when he walked up on a lady getting mugged. When he threw him into the wall he almost callapsed the wall. The more he did, the more he found out about himself and the things he could do. he moved all around trying to find a place that needed his gifts the most. Until he met Paul, that is.

Paul was Tim’s boyfriend. He loved how he felt when he spent time with him. and they met at the bank where they both worked, and were planning on moving in together in a few months. Tim was still nervous about Paul finding out about his secret. He didnt want people to know! The idea of being famous bothered him profoundly. Tim really liked that people didnt notice him. He could hide better when it came to sneaking up on people doing illegal things. That might be hard if everyone knew he had these powers , they’d probably lock him up and experiment on him. Thats the way he felt anyway, and he also felt like he wasn’t ready to tell Paul just yet.

Four gunman were now waving guns around collecting up the bank employees and customers. He had hoped this day would never come, but it had. i mean, what were his choices? Let these people die to protect his identity, or stop it and deal with the consequences later? Tim thought that maybe he could get the gunman alone in the back so he loudly said to them “Excuse me, I’m the manager here, you dont have to hurt anyone….” just then one of them pistol whipped an older man who had only come into make adeposit when he was thrown into this hell. “STOP!” Tim shouted. “What do you want!”

“We make the rules” the head man said through his ski mask. then, he yanked and grabbed at Paul’s tie, and had a gun placed right at his temple.

“You say your the manager, open the vault with no funny shit or he dies and then, my collegues will shoot the rest of these good people, you got it?” He said, standing no more than a foot in front of me with his buddy 5 feet behind him holding Paul hostage.

“Perfectly” Tim said, trying not to show how nervous that gun to Pauls head was making him. He led the three of the men to the back where the vault was. Tim needed this to be perfect. They reached the vault, and Tim began to unlock the vault, and then it was over just as quick as it started. Lightning quick incapacitated all 3 men silently but, Paul’s jaw dropped. Tim could tell he had a million questions but, they would have to wait. He motioned for him to follow him armed as well. they approached the fourth man in the lobby and ordered him to put his hands up after sliding the gun across the floor to them and he did as he was told and all four men were arrested.

Tim hoped desperately that he had made the right choice and that it wouldnt change things with Paul. Later that night, after all the police statements and interviews, they sat to talk. Paul thought that Tim was perfect the way he was. He explained to him how he was just glad to be able to spend another day with him. From then on, they grew closer than ever.

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